Our Nest Eggs

FLOCK OFF Graduation Show came together with the contributions of many talented & generous individuals. We are so grateful to have their support and would like to credit them with our thanks.

W.O.W Studio students
174 Students Fish & Bird Portraits
Ctrl+ Makerspace Sticker Workshop
  • Our wholehearted congratulations to the 174 students who make up the graduating class of 2022. Their commitment, dedication, and exceptional talent is the foundation of this show, it is a celebration of their ability to achieve remarkable outcomes in an adverse environment having been locked down for two of the three years of their degree studies. Thank you to the wonderful graduates for being on this journey and sharing your work with us.

  • Provided the conceptual background for the ‘Bird & Fish’ theme, which lead to the idea of ‘School is Out and the Flock is Off’ for the graduation show.

  • Metro Tunnel Creative Program for enabling us to be a part of the program and helping us make the Flock Off wall come to life.

  • For their generous donation of paper stock, which was used for our zines and banners.

  • To the people of the RMIT Communicaton Design Makerspace for providing technical advice, materials and the courage of their conviction which in turn gave us the courage to proceed.

  • For their enthusiastic support & generosity. Instagram

  • All 33 students in the ‘Working Our Wall: Grad Show Design’ studio, led by Suzie Zezula & Lauren Murray, for sharing their creativity and commitment that has bought this show to life.

  • And finally, to Russell Kerr, for his unwavering support and remarkable forbearance.